Hello lovelies! So I know this year is a big year for a lot of us, including me, due to exams. I am currently in the middle of my mocks for my GCSE's and lets just say I am a tad unprepared so I thought I would start to try and get myself into the right mindset now, instead of procrastinating like usual. I mean it's never too late, right?
Whether it is GCSEs, A levels, Finals or anything else I have my top 10 tips for revising!
- Put your phone and laptop away! Yes that's right, give it to your mum, dad, put it in a different room. Just get rid of it. I know I am not the only one who very easily gets distracted by it. You know the story, you get a message and it starts to kill you as you try to fight the temptation of not picking up your phone but of course you never win. The next thing you know you have wasted half an hour on twitter or playing candy crush. So put it away!
- Make a revision timetable and stick to it! Don't make completely ridiculous times and make sure you include a good balance of rest in their too. Your brain needs time to relax and recharge.
- Choose a place to study where you won't be disrupted. Whether it's your bedroom desk, your bed, the kitchen table or library, make sure it is quite and free of distractions and disruptions.
- Make notes. This doesn't mean rewrite your entire textbook word for word. Read your text book and make notes in your own words on the key points. When you have to put the textbooks notes into your own words your brain will take in the information better than just rewriting the textbooks words will.
- Diagrams and Memory aids. If you are a visual learner, you will remember the diagrams you draw better than the essays of text in your textbook. When making notes be creative and use different colours. Your brain will connect the colours with the statements, making it easier for you to remember. Memory aids are also a great way to remember things. For example: B + A = S + W Buckets Always Save Water base + acid = salt + water
- Do past papers. These are really easy to get hold of. Most exam boards have them on their website. Time yourself and do them like proper exams. After all practice makes perfect!
- Drink lots of water. Keeping hydrated is important even for studying. We are constantly losing water even though you may not realise it so it is important to stay hydrated and keep your brain healthy.
- Brain Food. Avoid junk food. although the packaging may state that it will give you energy it will have a lot of bad affects on you too. You may experience a 'high' or 'boost of energy' but it will literally be a boost. Half an our later it will be gone and you will be even more tired than before. Snack on foods such as cereals, pasta and fruit and veg will provide you with slow boosts of energy throughout the day.
- Sleep. It is vital that your brain and body has time to rest and repair. If it is the night before your exam you will in fact be better getting an early night instead of sitting up until one a.m cramming in notes. You will most likely remember very little and you will be tired during you exam and this will affect your performance.
- Be proud of yourself! As long as you know that you have done your best, no one else's opinion matters. You are your own person, and remember grades don't define a persons intelligence. They are just letters on a page.
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